Governing Documents

The UMGSA Council is comprised of student councillors who represent a wide variety of departments in the Faculty of Graduate Studies. All departments are welcome to participate, and regular attendance as well as regular participation in one of the UMGSA’s Internal Committees earns departments a Departmental Grant, to be distributed annually.

If you are a councillor, or are interested in the business of the UMGSA, it may serve you to have a look at our governing documents. This is where you can also find various forms and information on becoming a councillor.

By-laws & Policy: Information on the UMGSA’s rules, regulations and the composition of its committees.

Forms: Documents required for current and prospective councillors.

Council Meeting Minutes: The Council meets regularly during the academic year and does not meet in July and August. If you have a concern contact the Councillor for your department.

Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes: Once a year there is a meeting opened to all graduate students. At this meeting decisions are made that affect the overall graduate student population, and the functioning of the council.